Shaping Mobility
the Future
We’re the trusted partner of choice for consulting and providing specialised solutions to more than 80 radiotaxi companies all over Europe. Our know-how offers customers and drivers a thorough travel experience.
We, Microtek

Unique & Leader
We are top players and the only enterprise in Europe to cover every need of taxi fleets.

Experience & Kow-How
We've been making it for over 37 years: we put technical expertise and experience together.

People first
Our proposals come from dialogue. Our aim is to optimise user-experience in mobility branch.

Forward thinkers
We're not just keeping up with the market, but we anticipate it in order to provide our customers every instrument to make their business grow.

Small but original
We strongly believe in personal connections: we commit to working on our customers needs, developing personalised solutions.

100% made in Microtek
We are completely independent in every stage of the project, from the development to the production: so we can ensure quality and delivery time.

Only tailor-made
We create products and services that fit specific customers needs, from hardware components to software options.

Not just taxi
Our core solutions are addressed to taxi world, but our expertise can be applied to every other branch.

More than software
Software, hardware and apps are our trademarks: we are eager to jump into new challenges that include coding, UI & UX, programming.
We design, produce and certify peculiar industrial hardware: We give our products a 10-year warranty.
The softwares we develop satisfy every need and we provide many programms and applications to manage mobility.
Shaping the Future
We’re innovative and high-tech oriented. Therefore our solutions are flexible and customised.
Keep yourself updated with the latest Microtek news
Our latest projects, branch news and more.